Orthopedic Implants Manufacturers India

Siora Surgicals is a leading Orthopedic Implants Manufacturer and Suppliers company in India.

  • The food we eat is the best source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients required by our body for the growth of healthy cells. Therefore, doctors always suggest taking a complete and healthy diet during the treatment of any illness or after surgeries. Numerous types of nutrients are there that perform various functions in our body.

    A complete diet plays a vital role in serious surgical procedures like the one performed to treat fractures and involves the use of Orthopaedic Implants and Instruments. Though best medicines are prescribed by the surgeon to ensure better recovery, a healthy and complete diet just enhances their performance and prepares the body for normal functioning. In this post, we will talk about the benefits of one of the key nutrients required for the growth of healthy bones. The one we are talking about is Omega-3 fatty acid. Let us dive deep into the topic.

    What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

    Omega 3 fatty acid is a type of essential fatty acid that performs numerous functions for our body. They help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, assist in improving joint aching, and protect the brain from cognitive conditions. Above all, they also help protect bones from conditions like osteoporosis.

    If we specifically talk about the importance of omega 3 fatty acids for bones, then there are many. Let us discuss this in detail.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Bone Health

    There are certain health benefits associated with omega 3 fatty acids, let us discuss this in detail.

    Protect Bones from Inflammation

    Inflammation of bones activates osteoclasts, the cells that cause the breakdown of bones. Certain food items that are rich in omega 3 & 6 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects that protect bones from damage caused by inflammation.

    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are two types of omega-3 fatty acids that have the ability to turn down inflammatory signals thus, protect the inflammation of bones while preventing excessive bone loss.

    Helps Build Bones Instead of Fat

    Omega 3 fatty acids have the property of building osteoblasts, cells that build bones. Having optimum amounts of omega 3s promotes the formation of osteoblasts from mesenchymal cells as a lack of these fatty acids may result in the formation of adipocytes, the fat cells from mesenchymal cells.

    Reduces the Risk of Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by porous and fragile bones. People suffering from this condition become highly prone to fractures. This condition is common in people above 50.

    Now, those who have optimum amounts of omega 3s in their diet have a lower risk of developing osteoporosis by maintaining bone density and reducing the chances of excessive bone deterioration.
    For the content source, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., an Indian-FDA-approved orthopedic device manufacturer. Having expertise in producing hundreds of types of trauma implants, the company serves around 130 national and international distributors. Siora is proud to have many clients that are associated with the company since its inception. To add some more to the list, the company is looking to become one of the most reliable suppliers of Orthopedic Implants Thailand.

  • It won’t be wrong to say that sometimes fractures become unavoidable as the situation goes out of hand. Especially, the elderly and people suffering from conditions like osteoporosis are more prone to experiencing fractures. Besides this, traumatic injuries like car or bike accidents also lead to severe fractures.

    When an injury occurs, any of the bones present in our body can break, and if the condition is severe, surgery is required to realign and stabilize the fractured bone fragments. For this, Orthopedic Implants Plates and other Orthopaedic Implants and Instruments are used.

    One of the commonest locations affected by a fracture is the fibula, one of the bones present in the lower leg. This bone is known to help stabilize and support the leg, body, and ankle along with leg muscles. Our topic of discussion in this post will be fibula fractures.

    Fractures of Fibula – A Brief Introduction

    A break in the fibula can occur at different locations including around the ankle, middle of the leg, and the knee. This depends upon the cause of the fracture plus; this also decides the treatment and recovery period. Fibula fractures can be classified into different types, and they include:

    • Lateral malleolus fracture
    • Fibular head fracture
    • Avulsion fracture
    • Stress fracture
    • Shaft fracture

    Fibula fractures can also occur as a stress fracture, and this is experienced due to repetitive or overuse. Except this, all the above-mentioned fractures occur due to traumatic injuries.

    Symptoms of Fibula Fractures

    Pain and swelling around the fractured site are common, besides this, several other symptoms may also be noticed, and they may include:

    • Deformity around the broken bone
    • Tenderness and bruising
    • Pain with pressure on the injured site
    • Difficulty to put weight on the injured leg

    Causes of Fibula Fractures

    Traumatic injuries like car accidents are among the commonest causes of fractures in the fibula. Besides this, athletes are also highly prone to developing this condition, especially, in the form of a stress fracture. A fall or direct impact on the fibula could also result in fractures.

    Above all, the elderly and those who are suffering from conditions like osteoporosis can also experience a break in the fibula, and sometimes, there is no significant cause of the condition.

    Diagnosis of Fibula Fractures

    The healthcare service provider asks about the symptoms experienced by the person to rule out the possibilities of other conditions. A physical examination is also performed to examine swelling, painful movements, bruising, tenderness, and deformity around the fracture site. To confirm the severity and exact location of the fracture, imaging tests are also performed. Some of the common tests ordered include:

    • X-ray
    • MRI
    • Bone Scan
    Treatment of Fibula Fractures

    The severity and the type of fracture decide the best treatment procedure for the condition. If the fracture is open, it is a medical emergency, and surgery is required to realign and stabilize the broken bone pieces. In the case of open fractures, the patient likely suffers from additional injuries, and they are required to be fixed as well.

    While on the other hand, simple and closed fractures do not generally require surgery as they can be managed with closed reduction and an application of a cast or splint along with immobilization. Medicines like pain relievers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed to provide relief from pain and inflammation.

    Sometimes, surgery is also required in the case of closed fractures when the broken bone fragments get displaced from their original position or if a comminuted fracture is there.
    For world-class quality orthopedic implants, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., an Indian-FDA-approved orthopedic device manufacturer. Siora also exports its products to different countries, and to strengthen its market reach, it is looking for trustworthy Orthopedic Implants Distributors in Thailand.

  • Fractures, commonly known as broken bones, are usually the result of traumatic injuries or accidents. However, there is a specific type of fracture called a pathological fracture that occurs due to an underlying disease or condition weakening the bone structure. In severe cases, the fracture requires the use of Ortho Surgical Implants. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of pathological fractures, including their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.

    Understanding Pathological Fractures

    Pathological fractures are breaks in the bone that occur as a result of an existing disease or condition, rather than a direct trauma. These fractures are often caused by the weakening of the bone due to underlying conditions such as osteoporosis, bone tumors, metastatic cancer, osteomyelitis, or other metabolic bone diseases. Unlike fractures caused by accidents, pathological fractures can occur even with minimal force or stress on the bone.

    Causes and Risk Factors

    Osteoporosis: This condition is characterized by low bone density and is more common in older individuals, particularly postmenopausal women. Weakened bones due to osteoporosis are susceptible to fractures even from minor falls or bumps.

    Bone Tumors: Both benign and malignant tumors can weaken the bone, leading to fractures. Primary bone tumors, such as osteosarcoma, and metastatic tumors from other parts of the body can cause pathological fractures.

    Metabolic Bone Diseases: Conditions like Paget’s disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, and osteomalacia affect the normal bone remodeling process, resulting in weakened bones that are prone to fractures.

    Infections: Osteomyelitis, a bacterial infection of the bone, can lead to the destruction and weakening of the affected bone, increasing the risk of pathological fractures.

    Symptoms and Diagnosis

    Pathological fractures may exhibit similar symptoms to traumatic fractures, including pain, swelling, deformity, and difficulty moving the affected area. However, in cases of pathological fractures, these symptoms may be experienced without any apparent trauma or injury. If you have an underlying condition that may weaken your bones, it’s important to be vigilant about any unexplained pain or discomfort.

    To diagnose a pathological fracture, your healthcare provider will likely perform a thorough physical examination and order imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI scans, or bone scans. These tests can help identify the presence of an underlying condition and determine the extent of the fracture.

    Treatment Options

    The treatment of pathological fractures depends on various factors, including the underlying cause, location, severity of the fracture, and the patient’s overall health. The primary goal of treatment is to relieve pain, promote healing, and restore function.

    Immobilization: For less severe fractures, immobilization with a cast, splint, or brace may be sufficient to allow the bone to heal. In some cases, the use of crutches or a wheelchair may be necessary to avoid putting weight on the affected limb.

    Surgical Intervention: Surgery may be required for more complex fractures or cases where conservative treatment is ineffective. Procedures like internal fixation (using metal screws, plates, or rods) or bone grafting (replacing damaged bone with healthy bone tissue) can help stabilize the fracture and facilitate healing.

    Treatment of Underlying Condition: In cases where a pathological fracture is caused by an underlying disease or condition, such as cancer or osteoporosis, addressing and managing the underlying condition is crucial. This may involve chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or medications to improve bone density.For a high-quality range of orthopedic implants and instruments, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., a leading orthopedic manufacturer in India. The company is also known as a trustworthy Orthopedic Supplier Malaysia.

  • The shoulder joint is among the most-used joints in our body and it also experiences a lot of stress. As a result, shoulder pain is common and it may occur because of a number of causes which we will discuss in the post. In some cases, the cause of the pain is so severe that surgery may be required for the treatment. Depending on the type of condition, ortho surgical implants may be required for surgery.  

    Let us have a look at the common causes of shoulder pain.

    Shoulder Pain Causes

    Rotator Cuff Injuries: A rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles that surround the shoulder joint, providing stability and facilitating movement. Injuries to the rotator cuff, such as tears or strains, are a common cause of shoulder pain. These injuries can occur due to repetitive overhead activities, trauma, or degenerative changes with age.

    Frozen Shoulder: Also known as adhesive capsulitis, a frozen shoulder causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. The exact cause is unknown, but it often occurs following prolonged immobilization of the shoulder, certain medical conditions (e.g., diabetes), or as a result of an injury or surgery.

    Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: This condition arises when the tendons of the rotator cuff become pinched or compressed between the bones of the shoulder joint. Activities involving repetitive overhead motion, such as throwing or lifting, can lead to shoulder impingement. It is also commonly associated with muscle imbalances or structural abnormalities.

    Bursitis: Bursae are fluid-filled sacs. They act as cushions between bones, tendons, and muscles. When these bursae become inflamed, typically due to repetitive motions or trauma, bursitis can develop. It often causes pain and swelling in the shoulder joint.

    Shoulder Dislocation: A shoulder dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone (humerus) pops out of its socket. This injury can result from a fall, sports-related impact, or trauma. Dislocations may cause severe pain, swelling, and instability in the shoulder joint.

    Osteoarthritis: As a degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis can affect any joint, including the shoulder. Over time, the protective cartilage within the joint wears down, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. Osteoarthritis is more common in older individuals or those with a history of shoulder injuries.

    Tendonitis: Tendonitis refers to inflammation or irritation of the tendons, typically caused by repetitive motions or overuse. In the shoulder, tendinitis often affects the biceps or rotator cuff tendons and can lead to pain, weakness, and restricted movement.

    Fractures: Fractures or broken bones in the shoulder region can cause significant pain and impair shoulder function. These fractures can occur due to falls, accidents, or direct blows to the shoulder.

    Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Sprain: The top of the joint is called the AC joint. It is the junction where the collarbone (clavicle) meets the shoulder blade (scapula). Spraining or injuring this joint commonly occurs during sports activities or falls onto an outstretched hand. AC joint sprains can cause localized pain and tenderness.

    Referred Pain: Sometimes, shoulder pain may originate from a different area, such as the neck or upper back, and radiate to the shoulder. Conditions like cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerves in the neck) or myofascial pain syndrome can manifest as shoulder pain.Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a leading orthopedic implant manufacturer in India that produces a huge range of CE-certified trauma implants and instruments. The company also exhibits at the annual FIME Show exhibition that takes place in Florida. FIME Show 2023 will go live at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Florida from 21-23 June and Siora will exhibit at booth G41.

  • Our spine has natural curves in the neck, upper back, and lower back that give the ‘S’ shape to our spine. It is important for everyone to have these curves as they play an important role in supporting the head weight, absorbing shock, and maintaining the flexibility & structure of the spine. Now, when the curves in the neck region or lower back become high, the condition is called lordosis. In this post, we will talk about the condition in detail. 

    For a CE-certified range of spinal implants and other orthopedic devices, find experienced Orthopedic Supply Companies

    What is Lordosis?

    Lordosis is a medical term coined for a condition in which the spine curves more than it should. People suffering from this condition have a spine that is curved too much while affecting its alignment. 

    Here, it is important for you to know that our spine has a normal lordotic curve which is around 30-40 degrees in the cervical spine and 40-60 degrees in the lumbar spine. When these curves become big the condition is referred to as lordosis. 

    Now, when compared to scoliosis and kyphosis, which are also spinal conditions that affect the curve in the spine, lordosis results in forward curving i.e., towards the front of the body. 

    Who is More Prone to Lordosis?

    Lordosis is a condition that can affect anyone irrespective of age. However, adults above 50, expecting mothers, and kids during growth spurts are high at risk of developing lordosis. 

    What Are the Types of Lordosis?

    Based on the region they affect; lordosis can be of two types:

    Cervical Lordosis

    This is when the spine around the neck pushes forward more than it should. In some cases, it can also affect the functioning of the neck and throat, especially the way of talking and/or swallowing. However, this is rare. 

    Lumbar Lordosis

    Also known as swayback, this is when the hips and pelvis are pushed forward more than normal. People suffering from lumbar lordosis always stand with their stomachs pushed forward. In rarely severe conditions, the person may be unable to control bladder and/or bowel movements. 

    What Are the Symptoms of Lordosis?

    No physical symptoms are experienced in most cases of lordosis. In some cases, the person may not even know that he/she is suffering from lordosis until diagnosed. The symptoms that are often noticed are postural changes. In severe cases, neck pain or lower back pain occurs that becomes worse with time. 

    How is Lordosis Diagnosed?

    The diagnosis of the condition often requires imaging tests that include:

    • X-ray
    • CT Scan
    • MRI

    What is the Treatment of Lordosis?

    The location of lordosis along with the symptoms decides the feasible treatment of the condition. Most people generally don’t require any treatment until it starts causing symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines are often prescribed to improve pain and inflammation. In worse scenarios, the orthopedic specialist will recommend physical therapy that includes exercises to reduce the curve. Bracing is also an option to prevent the curve from increasing further. However rare, lordosis surgery is the last option for the treatment of the condition. 

    Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a renowned orthopedic implant manufacturer in India with over 3 decades of experience. The company manufactures a huge range of orthopedic devices including spinal implants. Siora is also known as a reliable Orthopedic Supplier Malaysia.

  • Knee pain is a common complaint these days and people of all age groups are suffering from the same. The cause of knee pain varies depending on the age of the person. If we talk about the commonest cause of knee pain in the elderly, then it is aging. However, in young adults, poor lifestyle factors are to blame. In this blog, we will have a brief look at some of the common causes of knee pain.

    The treatment of knee pain depends on its severity and the cause. In severe cases, knee replacement surgery may be required. To get a high-quality range of knee implants, find experienced Orthopedic Implant Companies in India.

    What Are the Causes of Knee Pain?

    There could be multiple causes of knee pain and here are some of the commonly diagnosed causes:

    Sprained or Strained Knee Ligaments

    Such conditions arise when there is a direct blow to the knee joint. Besides this, sudden twisting of the knee while walking, running, or playing sports could also result in knee pain. The intensity of knee pain depends on the severity of the injury. Pain caused by sprains or strains in the ligament of the knee often accompanies swelling and difficulty with walking. Timely assessment is required in such cases to prevent the worsening of the symptoms. 

    Torn Cartilage

    Meniscal tear is among the commonest in the knee joint and it affects the stability and movement of the knee joint. Cartilage tear is very painful and it restricts the person from putting weight on the affected knee. Cartilage serves as a shock absorber in the joints and ensures smooth movement. Damage to the cartilage directly affects the range of motion of the joint. In some cases, surgery may be required to repair the cartilage. 


    Tendons attach muscles to the bone and provide stability. Tendonitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the tendons. In the knee joint, this problem may occur because of the overuse of the knee as in the case of sportspeople. Jumper’s knee is what experts call tendonitis of the patellar tendon. Activities that demand frequent jumping movements like in basketball increase the risk of patellar tendonitis.


    Osteoarthritis of the knee is common in the elderly. With aging, the cartilage in the joints starts to wear rapidly and this causes osteoarthritis. Another cause of the condition is stress on the knee joint over time. People who experience repeated injuries in the knee joint or are overweight have the highest chances of developing knee osteoarthritis. This is an irreversible condition and causes severe pain along with a restricted range of motion in the affected knee joint. 


    Fractures in the knee often occur because of high-energy trauma like automobile accidents, a direct blow to the knee joint, or falling onto the knees. Intense and immediate pain is experienced in such cases and the injury is often severe. Knee fractures often need replacement surgery and the type of surgery required depends on the severity of the fracture. 

    Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is an experienced manufacturer of knee implants and other CE-certified range of orthopedic devices. The company is also a regular exhibitor at FIME Trade Show. In 2023, Siora will be exhibiting at booth G41 in FIME. 

  • Spine Healthy

    Poor lifestyle is the major cause of spinal problems. This occurs because of the weakening of the spine. As a result, young adults these days are commonly experiencing neck and back pain. People often ignore such problems and avoid consulting a specialist. This over time makes the condition worse and in certain cases, the situation becomes out of hand and surgery becomes necessary to improve painful symptoms. 

    Spinal surgeries are not easy and special Ortho Surgical Implants may be required as well. Though surgery may improve the quality of life, the flexibility of the person becomes limited. The best way to minimize the risk of spinal problems and avoid experiencing a condition where surgery becomes necessary is to maintain a strong and healthy spine. In this post, we will see some tips that’ll help you maintain spine health. 

    How to Keep Spine Healthy?

    Maintain Healthy Weight

    Obesity is the prime reason why more young adults these days experience back or neck pain. Having excessive muscle mass puts pressure on the spine and as a result, wear & tear in the spine occurs at a rapid pace. Over time, the problem starts to occur and the person experiences pain along with some other symptoms that become worse. People who already are suffering from spinal problems suffer more if they are obese. Thus, it is important to maintain an ideal body weight and reduce the risk of spinal issues. 

    Smoking is Injurious

    Smoking is injurious to overall health. If we talk about the impact of smoking on spine health then it increases spinal degradation and reduces the supply of blood & oxygen. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is a vasoconstrictor. This means it reduces the space in blood vessels and hence, the supply of blood & oxygen becomes limited. As a result, inflammation, and degradation in the spine increase. 

    Do Stretching

    Stretching is one of the best exercises that maintain the shape and flexibility of the spine. Thus, regular stretching and strengthening exercises will keep your spine strong and healthy. 

    Be Careful with Heavy Lifting

    There is a trend among young adults these days to join a gym. This is to maintain the shape of the body and stay fit. But in the process to do too much in too less time is increasing the risk of orthopedic problems in them. Heavy lifting is what they should do much more carefully. This is because lifting weights more than capacity can cause severe spinal problems, and a fracture may also be on the cards. A similar is the case when heavy lifting is done wrongly. Thus, it is important to maintain correct body posture during weight lifting and the weight must be within the capacity of the person. 

    Consult the Specialist

    Now, this is very important. It won’t be wrong to say that sometimes, injuries cannot be avoided but, we can avoid making the condition worse. So, smartness lies in consulting the specialist as soon as you experience pain in the spine, whether it is mild or severe. This is because seeking expert help in time will manage the condition better and the quality of life will improve. 
    To learn more from the global industry experts and explore a huge range of medical products and supplies, register for the Medexpo Africa Healthcare Exhibition. The event will take place in Ethiopia from 23 to 25 January 2023.

    Spine Healthy
  • Orthopedic problems are the ones that affect the body’s musculoskeletal system including bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is very important to address these problems timely as if ignored, the condition could become severe. There are a variety of orthopedic problems that are experienced by people, and we will be discussing some of the common ones in this post.

    To get an international standard quality range of orthopedic devices, find top orthopedic implant companies in India. 

    Common Orthopedic Problems

    Lower Back Pain

    Lower back pain is common nowadays and people of all age groups are suffering from the same. Poor lifestyle is the reason why this orthopedic problem is becoming common these days. In most cases, lower back pain is mild, and it often goes away on its own. But sometimes, back pain is persistent and that is a sign of a more severe condition. In such cases, it is important to seek medical attention. If the cause of the condition is severe, surgery might be required for the treatment.

    Knee Pain

    One of the commonest orthopedic problems faced by the elderly is knee pain and if the same condition affects young adults, any previous injury could be the cause. Athletes are also prone to developing knee pain and the cause for that could be ACL tear. Again, timely diagnosis of knee pain is important, if ignored, complicated treatment procedures may be required. 

    Hamstring Injuries

    The hamstring is common in athletes, especially the ones engaged in sports that require running like football and soccer. It is a painful condition and is characterized by a tear in one of the hamstrings. Physical therapy can improve the condition in most cases whereas sometimes, surgery may be required for proper healing. 

    Plantar Fasciitis

    The tissue that connects the heel to the ball of the foot is known as the plantar fascia. If this band of tissue is damaged or gets inflamed, the condition is known as plantar fasciitis. People above 40 are more prone to developing this condition. The best way to fix this condition is through physical therapy. 


    Scoliosis is a condition characterized by the sideways curvature of the spine. This condition is often diagnosed in adolescents. A repeated examination is required to confirm whether the growth is stopped or not. A brace may be applied to prevent further curvature of the spine. If the condition is severe, surgery may be required for the treatment. 

    Hip Fracture

    One of the worst orthopedic problems is a hip fracture and the elderly are more prone to developing this condition. In adults, a high-energy trauma like an automobile accident may result in a hip fracture. Partial or complete hip replacement surgery may be required to fix the condition. Maintaining strong bones is the key to minimizing the chances of severe hip fractures.
    If you are looking to know about recent advancements and innovations in the field of orthopedics and explore a huge range of medical devices, register for the best Healthcare Conventions Dubai.

  • The spine is known as the backbone of our body. It provides structure to our body and helps us perform various movements like bending & twisting. The spine is made up of small bones known as vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. Between each vertebra, there are a pair of small joints known as facet joints.

    The opposite surfaces of facet joints are covered by a cartilage layer that prevents friction. Wear & tear in these joints could occur due to aging and several other factors. This starts causing pain and discomfort. 

    Healthy facet joints support the spine and provide stability while performing various spinal movements like bending & twisting. Facet joints also have a role to play in maintaining the right alignment of the spine. 

    Find a reliable Orthopedic Implants Company in India to get an excellent range of spine implants.

    What is Facet Arthroplasty?

    Facet arthroplasty is a painful arthritic condition that occurs due to wear & tear of the cartilage in the spine. Facet joints and vertebral discs support each other in a healthy spine and ensure safe movement. In facet arthroplasty, chronic lower back pain is experienced. The reason for this may be damage to ligaments attaching the muscles to the discs. Muscle disorders of the lower spine and facet joints may also be the cause. 

    In facet arthroplasty, the cartilage wears down over time or gets damaged. This causes the rubbing of bones in the joint against each other. This may result in extreme lower back pain and pain in other areas of the body. 

    What Are the Symptoms of Facet Arthroplasty?

    Lower back pain is a common symptom of facet arthroplasty. Besides this, stiffness & soreness, muscle cramps, reduced spinal flexibility, and abnormal posture may also be experienced. Above all, the person suffering from the condition also finds it difficult to move the spine. 

    What Are the Causes of Facet Arthroplasty?

    The root cause of facet arthroplasty is wear & tear of the cartilage present in the facet joints. This may occur as a result of:

    • An injury or trauma in the facet joint
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Synovial cyst
    • Facet syndrome and facet joint disease 
    • Aging 

    How is Facet Arthroplasty Diagnosed?

    The diagnosis of facet arthroplasty requires a special test known as diagnostic medial branch block. During this test, injections are inserted near the medial nerve and the facet joints. Two sets of injections at different times are inserted. If they help improve pain in the lower back for some time, the doctor can confirm that it is because of facet arthroplasty. 

    What is the Treatment of Facet Arthroplasty?

    The treatment of the condition often starts with medication. The doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to improve pain and inflammation. Besides this, heat and cold therapy may also be given to improve pain & inflammation. 

    Physical therapy is suggested by the doctor to strengthen muscles and increase the flexibility of the spine. 

    When these strategies fail or the condition is severe, spine fusion is recommended. 
    Find an experienced supplier of Quality Orthopedic Implants in Malaysia to get a high-quality range of spine implants.

  • Arthritis is a painful condition that affects the joints. The knee joint is where arthritis affects the most but, it affects the spine as well. In this post, our discussion will be based on spinal arthritis, especially the risk factors. 

    Spinal arthritis can occur anywhere in the thoracic, cervical, or lumbar region and it affects the facet joints. Facet joints are small joints present between vertebrae. Arthritis in the spine develops over time and if timely treatment is not provided, the condition could become worse. In severe cases, surgery may be required for the treatment. Spinal surgery often involves the use of spinal Orthopaedic Implants and Instruments

    What Are the Risk Factors for Spinal Arthritis?

    Several factors can cause arthritis in the spine and some of the common ones include:


    Age-related degeneration of the spine is common, and everyone experiences that after around 45-50 years. In the early stages, the rate at which degeneration occurs is low but with age, degeneration occurs at a faster pace. Over time, it may lead to the development of arthritis in the spine. In some cases, arthritis develops early but the symptoms are noticed after 45-50.

    As we grow old, it is important to have regular body check-ups and consult the doctor if the pain is experienced in the lower back or the neck region of the spine. Besides this, medicinal treatment and activity modification are also important to manage arthritis and prevent it from becoming worse. 


    Obesity is becoming common, and it brings along many health risks where one of which is arthritis. Excess body weight puts the spine under stress and over time, more wear & tear occurs while increasing the risk of spinal arthritis. It is also noticed that it is very difficult for obese to maintain the right body posture. Thus, the risk of a change in the anatomy if the spine is high. 

    The smartness lies in regularly checking your weight and keeping it under the limit as per your height. This not only will minimize the chances of spinal arthritis but also many other weight-related health problems. If you are finding it difficult to lose weight, it is important to consult your doctor or an experienced nutritionist.

    Spinal Injury

    Injury to the spine can occur as a result of an automobile accident, sports injuries, or lifting heavy weight. Post-traumatic arthritis is common, and it generally occurs after the injury heals, but sometimes, it develops early. To avoid spinal injuries, it is important to be cautious while driving, use protective sports gear, and wear an assistive back brace to support the spine. It is also important to avoid lifting heavy objects if you are experiencing back or neck pain and more than your capacity.  Above all, it is also important to use proper techniques while playing a sport. 

    To get a CE-certified range of orthopedic implants and instruments, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., an experienced orthopedic device manufacturer in India. Siora is also a regular exhibitor at various medical events that are organized globally.

  • Knee Replacement

    Knee replacement surgery in most cases is recommended as the last option to provide relief from knee pain and restore its proper function again. According to the reports, the most common candidates for such a surgical procedure are the elderly with age-related wear & tear in joints. Osteoarthritis is another cause of knee pain that demands surgical treatment. 

    As the name suggests, total knee replacement is the procedure in which the entire joint is replaced with a knee prosthesis. This is because the complete knee is damaged.

    For international standard quality knee implants and other orthopedic devices, find experienced Orthopedic Supply Companies. 

    In this post, we will have a quick look at knee replacement surgery. 

    Why Total Knee Replacement is Required?

    The most common reason why total knee replacement is recommended by the doctor is to relieve painful symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a condition with no cure and the treatments available aim to relieve the associated symptoms. 

    People who need knee replacement surgery often find problems like difficulty in walking, climbing stairs, sitting or standing after a prolonged period, and persistent knee pain. 

    What Are the Risks Associated with Knee Replacement Surgery?

    Risks are there with all surgical procedures whether they are simple or complex. Hence, some of them are also associated with a knee replacement. The common risks with this procedure involve:

    • Infection
    • Blood clotting in leg vein or lungs
    • Stroke or heart attack
    • Nerve damage

    These possibilities are there with knee replacement surgery but the chances of such issues are not high. Besides all these, there is one more risk specifically associated with knee replacement and that is implant failure.

    Not so common but sometimes it is noticed that the implant gets damaged and the reason for this could be negligence by the patient or improper fitting by the surgeon. This could also occur if the patient picks up excess weight or engage in high-impact activities during the recovery period. 

    How to Prepare for Knee Replacement Surgery?

    It is very important to follow the guidelines issued by the doctor prior to surgery. The guidelines could be related to food or medications and the doctor might ask you to lose some weight, especially if you are obese. Besides this, if you are taking any medicines, don’t forget to tell your doctor about them as he might ask you to stop some of them. 

    What Happens During the Surgery?

    Knee replacement is a complex procedure and it is performed under anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision on the affected knee to access the joint and cut out the damaged part. Now, before applying the knee implant(s), bone resurfacing is done to ensure the perfect fitting of the prosthesis.  After it is placed, the surgeon will ensure the correct anatomical placement by making certain knee movements. If everything is fine, he will place the patella back to its original position and close the incision. 

    The recovery will depend on the age and complexity of the procedure and physical therapy may be required for quick and better recovery. 

    Contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. to get a CE-certified range of orthopedic devices including knee implants. Besides this, to explore thousands of international medical products and supplies, book your visit to the Medical Expo Trade Show Argentina

  • You cannot keep injuries away if you are an athlete or we must say that injuries are companions of sportspeople. The nature of the sport decides the type of injury and the exact cause decides its severity. 

    Each type of sport has some common injuries that players face and, in this post, we will talk about the injuries that basketball players face too often. 

    Basketball is a type of contact sport that requires agility and flexibility. Basketball players are required to run fast, change directions too often, jump, and more while playing. These movements make them prone to developing different musculoskeletal injuries that sometimes include fractures. If they are serious, surgery will be required for the treatment, and the use of orthopedic devices might also be there.

    To get high-quality trauma implants and instruments, find a reliable Orthopedic Implants Company. 

    Common Basketball Injuries You Must Know?

    Hip and Thigh Injuries

    Injuries to the hip and thigh are commonly seen in basketball players and the reason behind that is frequent running, jumping, bending, and pivoting movements. This could result in a muscle or ligament tear/stretch. Contact or overextension could also cause injuries in the hip and thigh region. 

    Knee Injuries

    Sprains and strains in the knee are common in basketball players; these injuries could occur due to overuse. Frequent jumping puts the knee joint under stress and with time, ligament or muscle tear is experienced. If the injury occurs to the kneecap, though not commonly seen in basketball, surgery might be required for the treatment. The best way to prevent knee injuries here is to strengthen the leg muscles and do a bit of stretching before the match. 

    Foot and Ankle Injuries

    Along with the knee joint, the foot and ankle joints are prone to injury. Present in the lower extremity, the stress put on both these joints while playing basketball is high. Frequent running and jumping are a few of the reasons why injuries to the foot and ankle joint are more common in basketball players. Sudden change in direction while running can cause a fracture in the ankle or a sprain. Not only pain but these injuries also cause swelling, stiffness, and tenderness in the joint. Severe cases may take even months to heal. 

    Wrist and Hand Injuries

    When compared to leg injuries, hand and wrist injuries are less common in basketball but their occurrence cannot be denied. While playing the sport, players are required to frequently catch and throw the basketball at one another. In that process, any of the players can get his/her wrist, hand, or fingers injured, especially when the player misjudges the ball while catching. Here, jammed fingers or finger fractures are more common. 

    Head, Neck, and Back Injuries

    Head injuries are uncommon in basketball whereas back and neck injuries could occur due to bending and twisting movements. A jerk while changing direction can cause injuries to the neck. Back injuries could become worse if ignored. So, if you sustain a back injury, it is advised to rest and apply ice to the inflamed area. 

    If you are looking to visit an international medical exhibition, book your slots at the Medical Equipment Expo Argentina.

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