Knee pain is a common complaint these days and people of all age groups are suffering from the same. The cause of knee pain varies depending on the age of the person. If we talk about the commonest cause of knee pain in the elderly, then it is aging. However, in young adults, poor lifestyle factors are to blame. In this blog, we will have a brief look at some of the common causes of knee pain.

The treatment of knee pain depends on its severity and the cause. In severe cases, knee replacement surgery may be required. To get a high-quality range of knee implants, find experienced Orthopedic Implant Companies in India.

What Are the Causes of Knee Pain?

There could be multiple causes of knee pain and here are some of the commonly diagnosed causes:

Sprained or Strained Knee Ligaments

Such conditions arise when there is a direct blow to the knee joint. Besides this, sudden twisting of the knee while walking, running, or playing sports could also result in knee pain. The intensity of knee pain depends on the severity of the injury. Pain caused by sprains or strains in the ligament of the knee often accompanies swelling and difficulty with walking. Timely assessment is required in such cases to prevent the worsening of the symptoms. 

Torn Cartilage

Meniscal tear is among the commonest in the knee joint and it affects the stability and movement of the knee joint. Cartilage tear is very painful and it restricts the person from putting weight on the affected knee. Cartilage serves as a shock absorber in the joints and ensures smooth movement. Damage to the cartilage directly affects the range of motion of the joint. In some cases, surgery may be required to repair the cartilage. 


Tendons attach muscles to the bone and provide stability. Tendonitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the tendons. In the knee joint, this problem may occur because of the overuse of the knee as in the case of sportspeople. Jumper’s knee is what experts call tendonitis of the patellar tendon. Activities that demand frequent jumping movements like in basketball increase the risk of patellar tendonitis.


Osteoarthritis of the knee is common in the elderly. With aging, the cartilage in the joints starts to wear rapidly and this causes osteoarthritis. Another cause of the condition is stress on the knee joint over time. People who experience repeated injuries in the knee joint or are overweight have the highest chances of developing knee osteoarthritis. This is an irreversible condition and causes severe pain along with a restricted range of motion in the affected knee joint. 


Fractures in the knee often occur because of high-energy trauma like automobile accidents, a direct blow to the knee joint, or falling onto the knees. Intense and immediate pain is experienced in such cases and the injury is often severe. Knee fractures often need replacement surgery and the type of surgery required depends on the severity of the fracture. 

Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is an experienced manufacturer of knee implants and other CE-certified range of orthopedic devices. The company is also a regular exhibitor at FIME Trade Show. In 2023, Siora will be exhibiting at booth G41 in FIME. 

  1. Avatar


    Informative post. It has been also observed people do not take medicine when their knee is hurt.

    Instead of going to a physician they take pain killers available from pharmacies.


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